Sunday, June 27, 2010


Lions are dying off rapidly across Africa. These cats once ranged across the continent and into Syria, Israel, Iraq, Pakistan, Iran, and even northwest India; 2,000 years ago more than a million lions roamed the Earth. Since the 1940s, when lions numbered an estimated 450,000, lion populations have blinked out across the continent. Now they may total as few as 20,000 animals.
In Kenya the lion population fell to about 2,000 animals, from 2,749 in 2002. In India only 400 lions are left. In South Africa lions are being hunted for $25000 by the Americans and Europeans. This ruthless killing of lions in South Africa has to be stopped.
The reasons behind tremendous decrease in lion population are climate changes, habitat destruction, disease and conflict with people. If no steps are taken to save lions then they will get extinct till 2020.

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