Sunday, June 27, 2010


Lions are dying off rapidly across Africa. These cats once ranged across the continent and into Syria, Israel, Iraq, Pakistan, Iran, and even northwest India; 2,000 years ago more than a million lions roamed the Earth. Since the 1940s, when lions numbered an estimated 450,000, lion populations have blinked out across the continent. Now they may total as few as 20,000 animals.
In Kenya the lion population fell to about 2,000 animals, from 2,749 in 2002. In India only 400 lions are left. In South Africa lions are being hunted for $25000 by the Americans and Europeans. This ruthless killing of lions in South Africa has to be stopped.
The reasons behind tremendous decrease in lion population are climate changes, habitat destruction, disease and conflict with people. If no steps are taken to save lions then they will get extinct till 2020.

Sunday, June 20, 2010


3 subspecies of tigers – the Bali, Caspian, and Javan tiger – became extinct in the 20th century, and many scientists believe a 4th, the South China tiger, is “functionally extinct”. In India less than 1400 tigers are left. Many laws have been created, but still killing of tigers has not been stopped. In India it is estimated that the tiger is being poached at the rate of 1 per day. At this rate the wild tiger in India will disappear within the next 5 to 10 years unless serious measures are taken to protect it. In China 43% of the population has admitted that they have been consuming product which contains tiger parts.
Actions have to be taken immediately to save tigers worldwide. Avoid taking anything which contains tiger flesh or any part of tigers.

Monday, June 14, 2010


There are more than 1000000 stray dogs in India. About more than 10000 stray dogs dies every year due to diseases, inadequate food consumption and in road accidents. Reports are pouring in daily about stray dogs going missing from the localities in large numbers. It seems that local authorities are dislocating the dogs so there are no stray dogs in the city at the time of commonwealth games.
We can save dogs by adopting the stray dogs so that they do not die or being killed. As dogs are man’s best friends.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


The Panda, also known as the Giant Panda, is a species of Chinese bear, black-and-white in color, which is almost on the brink of extinction. There are only around 1000 of them existing in the wild, while there are a little over a 100 of them in captivity. The main reasons for its extremely low population numbers is deforestation and poaching. Their habitats are being destroyed daily as are their food supplies giving them physical, mental and biological disabilities. Only 61% of the giant panda population is protected against poaching and habitat destruction. The right to live in their natural habitat should be available to all the animals including Giant Pandas. We should preserve their natural habitat and their right to life.